+966 13 8999974



HSE Responsibility

The Health and Safety of employee’s is of paramount importance. We aim to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for its employees and to provide them with the necessary information, instruction and training to achieve this aim. We are also committed to implementing sound environmental policies to improve environmental performance. We will also be guided by international codes and standards, rules and regulations in the implementation of its HSE activities. Appropriate preventive and protective measures are, and will continue to be, implemented following the identification of work related hazards and assessment of the risks associated with them. The allocation of duties for safety matters, the identity of competent persons appointed with particular responsibilities, and the arrangements made to implement this policy are set out in associated health, safety and environment documents and records. Expert advice will be sought as necessary when determining health, safety and environmental risks and the measures required to guard against them. The objectives of this statement can only be achieved through the support and co-operation of employees and all other persons who use the premises.

Social Responsibility

Our principle

We understand and recognize that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our clients, in relation to customers, employees, regulators, investors, suppliers, the community and the environment.

Our Commitment
We will

As a company and as all employees we are responsible for the implementation of this policy and will make the necessary resources available to realize our corporate responsibility to make this policy successful.

Green Initiatives

Being a Saudi Company , we adhere to the road map initiated by Saudi Arabia with ambitious targets to reduce carbon foot print

The Saudi Green Initiate aims to improve quality of life and we being company part of that eco-system will contribute to enhance the reduction of carbon foot print and implementation of modern technologies